Friday, December 26

A New Year's Resolution

Okay, I'm not too much of a New Year's resolution type of guy, but deep inside, I feel it's about time I make some solid goals. First of all, I've been working on my debut novel for years, and I think it's about high time I finish it and get it out. I don't want to be one of those so-called writers who dabble on too many works and finish none. I am too prideful to fall into that category.

So this year, I am going to set goals for next year. By the end of 2009, I will have achieved these things:

  1. Finished the long and tedious process of editing my novel.
  2. Found and secured myself a literary agent.
  3. Sold my first book.
  4. Acquired film and international rights to my book.

I know those are pretty big goals, but if I don't set them, nothing will be accomplished. You are who you want to be. So in 2009, I want to be successful. As of right now, I play more than I write, which is a sad, sad thing. But I promise to improve and do better.

For all you writers, hang in there and keep writing. There is hope yet. 2009 will see the publishing industry rebounce. I have already purchased too many books this Christmas, and I am glad I did that. The bookstores were packed with people like street markets, as if free books were being given away. And that is a good sign.

So all you new writers, persevere and complete your novels, take a year to edit your work, and take another to re-write. And before you know it, your book will be ready to publish. Remember, patience is a virtue.

May your New Year be bookmarked as one of the finest pages ever written!